Portfolio Central

Find out how Planbox’s Portfolio Central platform can help you manage your organization’s ability to execute projects spawned from the innovation pipeline and drive success across your entire innovation portfolio.

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Bring Clarity to Decision-Making

  • Manage risk better by properly monitoring the performance of your portfolios.

  • Make success repeatable with visual workflows and configurable processes tuned to your specific needs.

  • Maximize your resources with centralized project and portfolio reporting and analysis.

“We love that Planbox brings clarity to our decision-making process for project evaluation and prioritization.” – Melissa Mancini, Associate Vice President, Strategy and Business Development at UAB Medicine

Drive Downstream Success From Your Innovation Efforts

Ideas selected for implementation must be managed and tracked deliberately to avoid falling victim to the daily demands of business-as-usual. Portfolio Central provides a comprehensive set of tools for managing idea development projects throughout their lifecycle — from launch to completion.

Design workflows according to configurable project stages and gates, consolidate portfolio dashboards supported by strong innovation governance, and measure and track your innovation performance across the organization.

“Previously, the executive team was languishing on how to prioritize decisions. By using Planbox’s head-to head-evaluation tool, the team was able to expedite decision-making at lightspeed, prioritizing the best projects in a matter of minutes, not days.” – Melissa Mancini, Associate Vice President, Strategy and Business Development at UAB Medicine

Balance Work and Strategic Priorities the Smart Way

Innovation projects often compete for time and resources with the daily demands of the core business. To help innovation and project leaders successfully navigate the organizational balance of work and strategic priorities, Portfolio Central provides a wide array of features for disciplined management of the entire innovation portfolio at all management levels, including:

  • Visual Stage-Gate Process Design
  • Comprehensive Project Execution Tools & Reporting Metrics
  • Project-Based Collaboration Features
  • Consolidated Innovation Dashboard
  • Innovation Performance Diagnostics
  • Innovation Central Integration