Bobcat’s World-First Innovation

Learn how Bobcat’s collaboration with Planbox led to the world’s first all-electric compact track loader, setting new industry standards and yielding benefits ranging from reduced operational costs to new strategic partnerships.

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Electrifying Innovation 🗲

Aiming to revolutionize the compact equipment industry, Bobcat introduced the world’s first all-electric compact track loader, the T7X, marking a commitment to sustainability and innovation. The foundational work for the T7X was facilitated by Planbox, a platform crucial for gathering employee insights and addressing real-world construction machinery challenges.


of the T7X

Enhanced Safety

Reduces noise-related stress


Lowers operational costs


Achieves zero emissions

Industry Acclaim

Earned two honoree titles

“Bobcat’s T7X stands testament to our global leadership and unwavering commitment to sustainable innovation. With Planbox as our foundation, we’ve transformed employee insights into a transformative solution for the world.”

Matt Sagaser
Director of Innovation Accelerated, Doosan Bobcat