Train Your Innovation Muscles to Get Future-Fit

Learn about the 3 core innovation muscles you should pump up for a stronger culture and more fit organization.

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Enter the Planbox Gym

Whether you’re a gym rookie or a bodybuilding champion, growing muscle requires a future-fit mindset and a structured program — just like innovation.

And in the same way your muscles affect every part of your body, the future-fit mindset affects every aspect of your organization. Like going to the gym, you’ll need to adapt to different tools, remain creative in your routine, and be resilient in the face of failure.

bernhard schaffrik forrester

The 3 Innovation Muscles

Join our guest speaker Dr. Bernhard Schaffrik, Forrester Automation & Innovation Principal Analyst, for a future-fit strategy session in which he examines the 3 innovation muscles you should target to maximize performance and truly stand apart from the crowd:

  • Adaptive Muscle: Scout emerging technologies as a core discipline to accelerate transformational journeys.

  • Creative Muscle: Build ecosystems of partners to unlock inspiration and drive collaboration.

  • Resilient Muscle: Apply strong governance to ensure a balanced innovation portfolio.


It’s not enough to be ripped; you need to be FUTURE-FIT.


Train Your Innovation Muscles to Get Future-Fit

Learn about the 3 core innovation muscles you should pump up for a stronger culture and more fit organization.

Enter the Planbox Gym

Whether you’re a gym rookie or a bodybuilding champion, growing muscle requires a future-fit mindset and a structured program — just like innovation.

And in the same way your muscles affect every part of your body, the future-fit mindset affects every aspect of your organization. Like going to the gym, you’ll need to adapt to different tools, remain creative in your routine, and be resilient in the face of failure.

bernhard schaffrik forrester

The 3 Innovation Muscles

Join our guest speaker Dr. Bernhard Schaffrik, Forrester Automation & Innovation Principal Analyst, for an intense workout in which he shows you the 3 innovation muscles you should target to maximize performance and truly stand apart from the crowd:

  • Adaptive Muscle: Scout emerging technologies as a core discipline to accelerate transformational journeys.

  • Creative Muscle: Build ecosystems of partners to unlock inspiration and drive collaboration.

  • Resilient Muscle: Apply strong governance to ensure a balanced innovation portfolio.


It’s not enough to be ripped; you need to be FUTURE-FIT.